Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Analyze This

In the good old days you analyzed a table using a statement along the lines of: -


With the advent of Oracle 8i the DBMS_STATS utility was introduced to gather object statistics. This is Oracles preffered method of gathering the information.

Using it the equivalent of the above analyze statement would be: -


This should be executed after the table you need to analyze has been populated.

To cut back on the time it takes to execute, you can limit the number of rows it uses in its stats gathering by adding estimate_percent => nn (where nn is a number between 1 and 100) this will only use the given percentage of the total rows in the table when performing its anaysis.



Will only use 20% of the tables rows. The higher the percentage, the better the analysis, but the longer it will take. When used Oracle randomly selects the rows it uses from the table to make them more representative.

N.B. This statement doesn't work from Oracle Developer (I've not tried it from Toad). As such execute it from SQL Plus instead.

Monday, 19 November 2007

Listing a tables Indexes

select index_name
from dba_indexes
where table_name=<table_name>

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Useful SQL Plus Settings

On occaisions when you're working at an Oracle site with no access to sensible SQL development tools, such as Toad or Oracle Developer (available as a free download from the Oracle website, but no good if you can't download or install it), you are forced to use that most heinous of applications SQL Plus. To make life a bit more palatable, try using the following settings to brighten up its drab and dreary demeanor.

/* SQL Plus parameters required for each session */

select name from sys.v_$database;
alter session set current_schema=SYSADM;
set timing on;
set sqlprompt dbasename> ;
set linesize 150;
set null empty;
set pagesize 500;
set pause on;
set space 1;
set time on;
set trim on;
set wrap off;
set sqlnumber on;
set describe line on;

Enjoy !!!!